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I am dedicated to serving clients by helping them meet their wildlife and land management objectives. Therefore, we maintain certifications and continuing education credits to provide professional services that are based on science and the most up-to-date information. Continuous learning and engagement with various organizations at the forefront of scientific research helps maintain the credibility of Heritage & Habitat LLC as a business. The following information shows relevant certifications and involvement in teaching and professional conferences that I have been fortunate to be a part of.
Tennessee Pesticide Applicator Certified
Deer Steward I and II certified (The Quality Deer Management Association)
Tennessee Certified Prescribed Fire Manager
Associate Wildlife Biologist ® (The Wildlife Society)
US Forest Service S-212, Chainsaw Operator Certified
US Forest Service Basic Wildland Firefighter, L-180, S-190, S-130, I-100, and IS-700 training
Harper, C.A., J.W. GeFellers, D.A. Buehler, C.E. Moorman, and J.M. Zobel. 2021. Plant community response and implications for wildlife following control of a nonnative perennial grass. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(4):618-629
GeFellers, J.W., D.A. Buehler, C.E. Moorman, J.M. Zobel, and C.A. Harper. 2020. Seeding is not always necessary to restore native early successional plant communities. Restoration Ecology 28(6):1485-1494.
Turner, M.A., J.W. GeFellers, L.M. Phillips, B.L. Powell, and C.A. Harper. 2020. Influence of soil amendments on forage quality and vegetation structure in old-field communities.
Harper, C.A., J.W. GeFellers, and C.E. Moorman, 2020. Establishing early successional vegetation the natural way. North Carolina Upland Gazette, Spring Issue.
Professional Memberships
The Wildlife Society
Professional Involvement
Elk River Watershed Initiative: Hunting Field Day. 2019. Managing fields, forests, and food plots for white-tailed deer and wild turkey. Huntland, TN.
Alabama state Extension Specialist training. 2018. Early successional plant community establishment and management techniques. Skyline WMA, Jackson County, AL.
Native plant ID and wildlife uses for Adaptable Lands Management course hosted by Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. 2017. Bridgestone Firestone WMA, White County, TN.
Quality Deer Management Association’s Habitat Enhancement Module course. 2016. Andersonville, TN.
GeFellers, J. W. 2022. Early successional plant communities: Managing perspective and high-quality habitat for game and non-game species. Three Rivers Land Trust Habitat Summit. Mooresville, NC. October 7, 2022.
GeFellers, J. W. 2022. Creating pollinator habitat naturally in fields and forests. Clinch River Beekeepers meeting. September 15, 2022. Treadway, Tennessee, USA.
GeFellers, J. W., C. A. Harper, D. A. Buehler, C. E. Moorman, and J. M. Zobel. 2019. Plant community response and habitat quality following tall fescue eradication. Annual managers meeting – Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. Eufaula, Alabama, USA.
GeFellers, J. W., C. A. Harper, D. A. Buehler, C. E. Moorman, and J. M. Zobel. 2019. Managing early successional plant communities to enhance white-tailed deer habitat: Planting vs. natural revegetation. 51st Annual Meeting – Tennessee Chapter Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA.
Powell, B. L. J. W. GeFellers, J. S. Nanney, and C. A. Harper. 2019. Mowing Perennial food plots: Are you helping or screwing up? (poster). 51st Annual Meeting – Tennessee Chapter Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA.
GeFellers, J. W., C. A. Harper, D. A. Buehler, C. E. Moorman, and J. M. Zobel. 2019. Managing early successional plant communities to enhance white-tailed deer habitat: Planting vs. natural revegetation. 42nd Annual Meeting – Southeastern Deer Study Group. Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
Powell, B. L. J. W. GeFellers, J. S. Nanney, and C. A. Harper. 2019. Mowing Perennial food plots: Are you helping or screwing up? (poster). 42nd Annual Meeting – Southeastern Deer Study Group. Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
GeFellers, J.W. and C. A. Harper. 2018. An evaluation of plant communities and habitat quality following tall fescue eradication: Purpose, design, and results from Phase I. Project overview for TWRA personnel. Region III TWRA office, Crossville, Tennessee, USA.
GeFellers, J. W., A. E. Houston, and C. A. Harper. 2018. Results from Fifteen Years of Quality Deer Management at Ames Plantation. 41st Annual Meeting – Southeastern Deer Study Group. Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
GeFellers, J. W. 2017. Building better habitat for pollinators: Possibilities of an unlikely approach. Clinch Valley Beekeepers meeting. Treadway, Tennessee, USA.
GeFellers, J. W., A. E. Houston, and C. A. Harper. 2017. Results from Ames Plantation’s QDM program: 15 years of data. 49th annual meeting – Tennessee Chapter Meeting, The Wildlife Society. Buchanan, Tennessee, USA.
GeFellers, J. W., A. E. Houston, and C.A. Harper. 2016. Ames Plantation’s quality deer management program: 14 years of progress. 23rd Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
GeFellers J. W. 2017. Herbicides and pollinators: Possibilities of an unlikely partnership. Graduate Seminar, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
GeFellers, J. W, and C. A. Harper. 2016. An evaluation of plant community response and resulting habitat quality following tall fescue eradication and crop field abandonment in the Mid-South. Graduate Seminar, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
GeFellers, J.W. 2022. Herbicide application and equipment calibration for natural resource management. Field lab for The University of Tennessee Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries Science course 415. Cocke County, TN.
GeFellers, J. W. 2018 and 2019. Tennessee game birds – sexing and aging. Guest lecture for Wildlife and Fisheries Science course 445. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
GeFellers, J. W. 2018. Properly using and applying herbicides for wildlife management. Guest lecture and field lab for Foresty, Wildlife, and Fisheries Science course 590. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
GeFellers, J. W. 2017 and 2018. Understanding and properly using herbicides in wildlife management. Guest lecture for Wildlife and Fisheries Science course 415. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
GeFellers, J. W. 2017. Wildlife Habitat Evaluation. Teaching assistant for Wildlife and Fisheries Science course 324. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
Public Outreach
GeFellers, J. W. 2022. Forest management for wildlife. Tennessee Wildlife Federation Hunting and Fishing Academy. Webinar. July 26, 2022.
GeFellers, J. W. 2021. Habitat Management: Learning how to make your property a haven for wildlife. Tennessee Wildlife Federation Hunting and Fishing Academy. Webinar. July 20, 2021.
GeFellers, J. W. 2021. Food plots for wildlife. Tennessee Wildlife Federation Hunting and Fishing Academy. Webinar. July 27, 2021.
GeFellers, J.W. 2022. Recreational mowing syndrome: The problem and solution. Three Rivers Land Trust Campfire Conversations. March 21, 2022.
GeFellers, J.W. 2019. Old-field management with Wade GeFellers. Hunt the Land Podcast.