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Heritage & Habitat LLC offers a wide variety of land and wildlife management services to both private and public sectors. Your management objectives do not need to be focused on game species to receive the professional services that Heritage &Habitat LLC offers. Setting up your property to produce mature bucks and healthy deer herds, abundant wild turkey populations, or dove hunting opportunities are exciting goals and something Heritage and Habitat LLC can help you accomplish. However, if your focus is establishing pollinator habitat, increasing bird-watching opportunities, or setting up an educational property, we also can help with those objectives. Heritage & Habitat LLC appreciates the fact that each person's objectives are just as unique as the land they own. Please don't hesitate to call if your wildlife or land management objectives are not listed here. We're always excited to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals. 
heavily browsed soybean food plot

Food plots can be a very rewarding addition to your overall property management practices. However, without proper planning and implementation, food plots can become more of a frustration than an enjoyment. Heritage & Habitat LLC can help select food plot locations, clear sites for food plots, test soil, recommend and make soil amendments, decide which species to plant, acquire seed, plant, and manage them. Are you truly getting the most out of your food plots? You'll enjoy food plots even more when you have the confidence they are truly helping you meet your objectives and they are producing to their fullest potential. 

prescribed fire in broomsedge early successional field

Prescribed fire is one of the most cost-effective tools available to manage for certain plant communities and wildlife species. Additionally, prescribed fire can reduce wildfire risks. Heritage & Habitat LLC is a Certified Prescribe Fire Manager in Tennessee, is insured for prescribed fire, and has experience conducting prescribed fire in various terrains and plant communities.

management plan unit map

Just like many other important things we do, successfully implementing land and wildlife management practices on your property takes some planning. In fact, without a plan, it may be difficult to reach complete success. A Heritage & Habitat LLC management plan for your property will give you a clear path to follow no matter what your objectives are.

completed shelterwood timber harvest

Proper forest management can be used to produce income, improve aesthetics, encourage healthy forests, meet wildlife management purposes, or any combination of those. Heritage & Habitat LLC can estimate timber volume and coordinate with timber buyers and loggers to help you sell your timber, perform timber stand improvement (TSI) to encourage a desirable future forest composition, or help you maximize your forest's benefits for focal wildlife species. Don't let your forests simply go unmanaged, they are a valuable asset.

spot-spray herbicide application

Nonnative invasive plants are one of the largest contributing factors to overall declines in many ecosystems throughout the Southeast and beyond. Regardless of your objectives, the control of these plants is often a key component to getting the most out of your property. Controlling nonnative invasive vegetation should not be overlooked as an integral component of your property management regime. Let Heritage & Habitat LLC help you identify and control the invasive vegetation on your property.



high-quality early successional field

Nearly every property has open areas that can be managed as fields. Maybe it's an old field that has grown up in trees or a field that is being taken out of row-crop agriculture. Regardless, fields can provide outstanding cover and food resources for many wildlife species from pollinators to deer. By simply altering the plant community within these fields using various management techniques, habitat can be provided for different wildlife species. Let Heritage & Habitat LLC help you optimize your fields for the wildlife species you are interested in. 


Heritage & Habitat LLC is dedicated to helping you meet your land and wildlife management goals​. The services listed here are examples of additional services that you may need to help you maximize your property to fully meet your objectives. Additionally, these services may give you ideas for other services you may be interested in but are not listed here or above. Please call to discuss your wildlife and land management needs, no matter how big or small. 


  • hunter harvest data collection, data analysis, and setting harvest recommendations

  • property design and setup for hunting, wildlife viewing, recreation, or education

  • vegetation surveys and data analysis

  • pre-purchase general property assessments for wildlife and timber management goals

  • Greenbelt forest management tax relief plans (TN) 

  • creating property maps

Wade GeFellers

(423) 470-4795

© 2022 all rights reserved

Heritage & Habitat LLC

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